User Interface

See Allocating Rewards for more details on other screeens and Accessing the Protocol to onboard.

1) Stake Tab

  1. Wallet Balance: The MATIC and TruMATIC balance in your wallet.

  2. Staked Balance: This is your total staked balance in the vault.

  3. Allocated Balance: The total amount of MATIC rewards that have been allocated.

  4. Rewards Balance: The total amount of MATIC rewards that have been accumulated.

  5. Max amount available to stake: The balance of MATIC you have available in your wallet for staking.

  6. Approved amount: This is the amount of MATIC you have approved for staking.

  7. Vault Info: This is a summary of the TruStake Vault (Total Staked, APY, Exchange Rate, and Fees)

  8. History: Summary view of all historical transactions with the TruStake Vault

2) Unstake Tab

  1. Available to unstake: Maximum balance available to unstake from the vault.

  2. Unstake Button: Click this to initiate the unstaking process.

  3. Withdraw All: Withdraw all amounts that have been unstaked in a single transaction.

  4. History: View all of your previous unstaking transaction history.

Digital assets are highly volatile. TruFin users agree to the T&Cs found in full here.

Last updated